Data Disaster Recovery
Having the right disaster recovery and security plan will help you expect the unexpected, reduce costly downtime, and ensure your ability to recover data and operations quickly. A flexible and affordable disaster recovery and security plan, particularly one that addresses system redundancy and accessibility, will maintain your business. Read more.
Network & Infrastructure (LAN/ WAN)
We are providing scalable, interoperable, and secure network infrastructures that support converged services. These flexible standards provide the infrastructure foundation for more effective sharing of common IT resources in addition to improving quality, usefulness, and efficiency of cross-agency applications and information throughout the state. Read more.
Bare Metal Restore & Offsite Backup
Until now, the full recovery of a server after a catastrophic failure could take several hours. Bare Metal Recovery technology allows us to quickly recover an unusable system. It can restore both system and data in a single pass, eliminating the need for multiple backups and significantly reducing downtime.
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Network & Security Analysis
The purpose of the network & infrastructure assessment is to identify these vulnerabilities to a company’s information infrastructure as well as appropriate countermeasures and remediation steps. Often, however, security assessments deliver scathing indictments of company’s IT departments practices without ever actually addressing the source of the loss – quantifying how it did (or could) occur, the potential for system or data compromise, the business loss (which can be in dollars, reputation, productivity, or continuity in operations), and how such losses can be prevented. Read more.
Laser Printer, Fax, Copier Services
When you have a problem with your printer, our 25+ years of experience means that the job will get done quickly and correctly. We guarantee our work and the parts we install, so you can rest assured that you are receiving quality and reliability on all your service requests
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